is that the robbery of the year ?
I lost BOTH 50/50 for characters, got them after 20 pulls each ones

Thanks Mihoyo, i can now save for millenials

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millenials and the blue dog dinasty

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Watching the latest Re:View and had a breakthrough moment:

(1) Boomers
(2) Millenials
(3) Zoomers

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All this AI shit.
Y'all never watched sci-fi growing up, huh? Us Millenials, we saw how that shit goes down.

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Feel old yet, millenials

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Superman, Hijo de Kal-El (Tom Taylor, Liz Erickson, 2022)

Luthor y los millenials.

Al PUTO FIN, una historia de Jon realmente divertida, aunque gran parte sea gracias al carisma retorcido de Lex Luthor. Buen sabor de boca tanto en la historia troncal como en la secundaria.

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Museum: idk, we really need to update our displays
Millenials: dont change, kings 😤👑
Anyways, here are some delightful examples from the Sarawak Cat Museum.

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Too many broken promises, too many lies. Trust no one.

“Millenials” from “Lost Generations”

Next July 6th, Open Edition drop on

5 22

Time for some "What If" Sergei and Teresa Babies
- Ekaterina aka Kat, the oldest
- Anton (Andy) & Nikolai (Nick/Nicky), the twins

All of them millenials...

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Boomers: "buah estos millenials que no quieren tener hijos y usan toda clase de excusas y quieren abortar y no respetan las nuevas vidas y el mantenimiento de la población humana"

Also boomers:

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early 2000s Disney movies were FULL of fruity characters or characters that catered to baby gays. how do you think millenials ended up like this.

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millenials invented pog/uwu Lumi (50% pog 50% UwU) don't forget to say you're welcome

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They're giving back regardless of how they sell! is going to help new moms overcome postpartum depression, something so many women go through! the art is warmly nostalgic for all millenials. 🥰 minting:

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for the bit "older" millenials I'm going to add...

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ocurre desde siempre. el anime fue y será una fantasía escapista para la sofocante realidad japonesa. ahí se da todo lo que ni por asomo vivirá el japonés medio (como ser, divertirse y vivir sin estrés)

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Cada semana en
una página nueva, hecho con amor por dos millenials que aman Pokémon.
Síguenos también en para enterarte de lo que tramamos, de las últimas actualizaciones y demás!

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interdimensional angst at the blethesda fountain

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This is how Millenials Invest, Old man!

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