Y'know what I feel like surfing on so here's a throwback to some art that expresses my own identity, 'cause aro-ace rhymes with shamel...ace? ...Dammit.

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I wanted to spread awareness of the racism againts Asians but mostly Chinese people. Peopleare doing their best. They don't need your racism.

This video is by ASAPScience about the coronavirus.

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Sorry for the late post. I Had a lot of Homework.

Anyways, People Are Crazy Warm-Blooded.

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Farting a putrid fart normally would, but knowing my followers that would just bring people closer to me. XD

Art: SacredSun519

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PRE-ORDER this inclusive smart and beautiful book by ! A Quick & Easy Guide To Sex And Disability made me cry twice reading it bc it was so good!


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I decided to create a new comic series I'd like to call, "People Are Crazy" About people living their lives.

A Day at the Park.

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You can support my work @ https://t.co/R0XZEsSAVt and get hundreds of exclusive posts as a token of my gratitude no matter the amount

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The week co-leading residency has ended full of inspiration, new thoughts & friends. Thanks for the invitation, all the residents for sharing this time together and & for their fantastic contributions.

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