You read about your special today-only chance to get a with me, right? What are you waiting for? I LOVE selfies! Let's do it. and get a photo with yours truly... ooh la la... what fun we'll have! and DM me!

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This is us. Teamwork makes the dream work, you know. It's true! Even when you love to bicker.

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Hey SupersFans.... snuggle up with your bestie or love and read our mission logs over at together... and tomorrow I'll have fun things to share!!
I love surprises, don't you?

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Since it's a day to talk about and let's talk about friends... we love all the who help us out with mission drawings... and so many more! Help them by helping ...thank you!

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OMG... look at what I saw!! SQUEE! Wisp finally kissed Ace... and on .... so beautiful... I just knew they'd find each other... .... oh wait, does this mean I should dismantle all the dating profiles I made for her?

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It's Valentine's Day, lovers... so let's peek in on our hush-hush lovebirds Inferno and Celsius... shhhhh they think nobody knows they're mad for each other... can you imagine anyone not knowing? Look at them! ❤️

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Don't play with fire, kids... and don't get in the crossfire between fourth-tier (yes I said it) and at a state funeral... good thing Kaiju is invulnerable, am I right?

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Pop quiz hotshot (a quote from some old movie Blockade loves)... which two superpowers does Kaiju possess?
A) Invulnerability and Telekinesis
B) Telekinesis and Super Strength
C) Super Strength and Invulnerability
RT with your answer!

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And this is The Scarab... he's a Six (no not on a scale of hotness)... and he's styled after a .... no, not a because that would be cool... he's also on dating sites so beware, girls! He likes women and he's truly an insect.

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Maybe you wanna know who we're fighting! (Besides and and basic evil)... remember when I told you about The Six? Yeah... well let me introduce you to them... ... this is General Perez, their leader. He's super nice. (No he's not.)

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Oh, like don't forget to read the over at the vault... I mean he put a lot of work into them... and we did some awesome stuff... so, yeah.

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Speaking of personal style... here's Outback biting Blockade... I mean you gotta get the job done, you know what I'm saying?

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You can totally be part of replacing all the things that got blown up when we got caught in the crossfire between the Defensters and The Six! Like, sometimes we need a lot of ... missiles so take a toll on our equipment...

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Anyhow during the whole explosive funeral thing kissed and burnt his lips pretty badly... the price of you know? She thought we were going to die... spoiler: we didn't... also, weirdly, they still think we don't know about their affair...

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Have I told you about Eagle's funeral? It was lit... um, literally. The Defensters sent missiles to attack The Six and we got totally savaged in the crossfire... Kaiju dragged Celsius to ... it's not easy being a some days but you get GREAT pics...

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Hey SupersFans, before you go to sleep think about donating to our fundraiser... I mean your phone is in your hand and the link is right here... you might as well. You'll probably sleep better!

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Okay back to ... her power literally burns... she and Celsius are totally in love and I think they think nobody knows but, I mean, we all know. Her nickname for him is (it's a Canadian thing) and he calls her his Nanaimo Bar. *eye roll*

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Photo time! The jet caught me taking a group and now it's a pic within a pic which is totally my jam. Can you name all us Supers? Go on, tell me which is Ace, Kaiju, Celsius, Inferno, and Outback. (You should know me, come on!)

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This is who you know is our leader. And that's holding him. These two are totally a song come to life... "she's hot and he's cold..." because his power is and hers is so they are total opposites. Which attract! Right?

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Hi everyone, I want you to know us Supers are totally and and friendly and we want to keep you safe AND represent you. That's a great goal, right? Help us continue by funding our adventures.

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