as of 7:45AM KST

12 - 2,613 votes (1.88%) 🔺️1

🗳 Vote here:

- Please vote guys! look at those nominated artist, they are strong when it comes to international voting. I know we can do this, hwaiting!!🙆‍♂️

59 50

Miss Pauling done, thanks to all who participated in the voting.

67 482

Support if you can: https://t.co/UeCs4wdWi5

Iris won the waifu poll vote, thanks to all my $1+ Patrons for voting. Now Zero finally gets to squeeze dat padded Iris booty, knowing exactly what he's fighting for. She wasn't expecting to have made such a big a mess in her pamps ^w^

5 29

Since the votes have spoken. I drew Doldren. I normally suck at drawing males, but I did kinda hope he'd win so I could get the practice in. Thanks for voting.

2 21

Well it looks like i'm gonna have to spend a few evening with a voluptuous It could have been a creepy sea monster, some cold and angry dragon or band of nasty demons... but "helas" you pick the sexy poor poor me.😋
Thank you everyone for voting.^^

0 3

Made a total of 4pet design, one went through the top 10 and managed to get the 1st(Ectrio). A big thanks to for conducting this pet design event and to the community for voting..hope to see more community events and amazing developments from you guys.

1 6

The winner of this month's sketch poll. Special thanks to all of my patrons for voting.

1 5

Well, i guess imma post more fanart than clips guys due to the voting.
Fanart got 72% of the votes and clips 28%.

1 7

Off to the Stockport Book Awards today with and our Can’t wait to see everyone, especially and all the children who’ve been voting. I gif searched ‘excited cat’...

1 13

again!? I've been under NDA for the past 2 years so here's the same old stuff I post every time in a different order. If these pieces were people they'd be drinking and voting. https://t.co/21cRVoXwel

47 310

Hi everybody, please consider supporting me by going to the discord to vote for my contest submission.


You can find it in the "national-holiday-art-contest" channel but please note that you may have to wait 10 minutes before voting.

8 37

EMMY voters, 5 more days for nomination-round voting. consider Adventure Time? It's counterintuitively not listed under "A" (concept art by )

68 329

Alright! Thank you all for voting. I will be drawing Zacian next!

0 1

My submission Virulent Scream for the Fan Forge has been accepted for voting. Please take a look and vote if you like it. 💙https://t.co/TwuK44OI5j

18 101

I did what I could and the result was this.

Thank you for voting.

0 4

thank you for 1000+ follow '<'/
let do a thing. .>.
ych comic here - reply with your character ref and i'll randomly pick people to put in the comic. and then, they gonna do thing with one of this 3 character from people voting. '<.

7 92

Finished! Thanks everyone for voting. Now, who wants the blue suit?

1 13

Hey American Hero Risers and Versians, wanna know what the ultimate world building choose your adventure is? VOTING. Get out there tomorrow and be a real life super hero / political mastermind.

(#FanArt by Ashley Tan, Waggish and )

1 5

GET OUT AND VOTE TOMORROW! We’re giving away a pair of tickets to (Sandy) Alex G / Half Waif / Sidney Gish at The Paradise on 11/18. To enter to win, post a photo of your I Voted sticker from voting. Winner will be chosen Friday at noon. 🎟/ https://t.co/5jaxt7spw0

10 35

My entry for the event. Luckily, I got in the 142 entries up for voting. You can check them out here: https://t.co/b8v2oEbGZz Feel free to vote for your Top 10 drawings! ✨ I drew Napoleon Cake!(CV: Ono Kensho) 💕

12 37