lil ol me may be working on another painting.... of everyones favorite tiefling... [WIP]

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Happy Tiefling......Friday, revenge for of her tiefling, Brionni!

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Did I also make a purple version for my lavender tiefling...yes...yes I did.

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Don't mind me uploading a tiefling...
I'm just very proud of how it came out! ^^ 💙

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My favourites at the moment are from my High-Low collection; I'm not as confident in my colour work yet. One of them is still a WIP, which I know is strange, but I just love my Tiefling...
And yes, I am aware they are all men... I can't resist drawing men with nice cheekbones...

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i drew this character sooooooooooo much, but i still haven't gotten to play her!!! someday, miss opera singer tiefling...

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Thank you for the opportunity!!
I just have a species of thylacine lycans!
Females have tail foofs, males don't, but otherwise there aren't really many major differences between the two!
They can have a fully humanoid shape (human, elf, tiefling...) or any sort of in-between c:

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Some quick hand studies, think Tiefling...

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If you have room for one more, Brim's teeeeechnically not actually a tiefling but close enough maybe? (He think's he's a tiefling...)

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Bloom is a tiefling.... kind of? She's weird looking, and no one really knows why. Towering at 7'9" and covered in fine red fur, Bloom is a barbarian who's weapon of choice is a glaive, and her own teeth. They are very gentle and sweet, but struggle to make real friends

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Ashes got a revamp 🔥
He's a Warlock now, with a Pit Fiend patron... He doesn't remember he used to be a human named Elias and that his patron turned him into a tiefling... 👀 Oops.

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do I need to build... one more tiefling...

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Mine has got to be Kallas, my lonely lil tiefling...just enjoy drawing him a lot!!

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lisa frank tiefling..... my best work yet

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RPG me!

class: Tiefling... warlock???
role: desaster
special: looks like she can beat you up but is actually completely harmless lol

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Well ... I know I tried to draw this lovely Tiefling... I still have those serious art blocks ...

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My D&D character Riza may have found a cursed Stygian ice crown which is unfortunate given the fact she's a Levistus bloodline Tiefling...I felt self indulgent so late night corrupted OC sketch! Might finish this one day 😭

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I've been playing biscuit for dnd and I am so attached.... bastard pink tiefling.... all he do is cry over ex wife, steal wallet, eat hot chip and lie

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day 18 - I redrew my sorcerer tiefling... :D

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