For 1820 edition of An Account of Arctic Regions by William Scoresby, a Whitby Whaler

AKA Captain Sleet in

15 16

Daily scene of Eidy's home town of Varlsbeyn, as seen on any half decent weather day. For my Whaler Girl project

22 166

Team Whalers’s going to kick some ass

38 147

Heroes swallowed by sea monsters, and a whaler's mermaid lover who lived inside an enchanted whale

12 26

Finished up one of my Whaler Girl sketches: Unfazed. Eidy and her childhood sweetheart, Bo.

4 61

I've been sketching a lot lately for my Whaler Girl project. Here's 3 of my faves, featuring Eidy, Saul, her mentor, & Bo, her sweetheart.

9 41

Did another Whaler Girl Portrait, this time exploring my world's version of elves. Story snippet here:

11 56

Hey, I'm Sam and I'm creating a world filled with ancient magic, whalers, pirates and courtesans!

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New artwork for sale! - "Trailing The Whaler" -

5 1

Psst! Did you guys see any whalers coming this way?

13 11

What if Whales decided to do science on us? Funny cartoon sends message to Japanese whalers (poachers)

144 98

Small town publican 'Billy the Pink' from the Whalers Close Shebeen Last heard of Caledonian Rd, Kings X, London 1978

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