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Halooo! Saya mulai buka PO untuk doujinshi saya yang akan hadir di #comifuro13 nanti! bisa diambil OTS (Booth Burung Spiral L-13b both days) maupun dikirim (pengiriman akan dilakukan setelah CF)
jika berminat silahkan isi formnya yaa >>> https://t.co/VOAI87CygM
Terima Kasih!
I didn't realise it, but yesterday was Syaro's birthay, I wish I had this finished then.
#istheorderarabbit #gochumonwausagidesuka #kirimasyaro #tedezarize
Aaaaaaand a reminder that this here is who she grows up to be later.
Yup. (no that's not Irimat in that first picture btw, and the resemblance is intentional)
Base Form Gogeta For The Boy @Renaldo_Saiyan As Requested
#bucchigirimatch Like & Rewteet Thanks <3
"Uchi Tama?! Uchi no Tama Shirimasenka?"-Teaser Visual!!
The anime is slated to premiere on January 2020
MAPPA x Lapintrack is animating the series.
الإعلان عن حصول سلسلة الأنمي الشهيرة #تاما_والأصدقاء على أنمي جديد بعنوان "Uchi Tama?! Uchi no Tama Shirimasenka?" ومن المقرر عرضه خلال شهر يناير لعام 2020.
L'anime Uchitama - Uchi no Tama Shirimasenka? du studio Mappa, annoncé : https://t.co/Lkg0V7WWV2
#うちタマ #Uchitama
J&T Express
ceria, murah senyum, pengirimannya super cepat. kohainya JNE dan TIKI //yawla
a gijinka / human personification