It's a Vio, saniwa since 2015, drowning in sword merch, Kasen Kanesada was my first sword and remains my favorite💜 Hosokawa nerd, Hasebe+Nikkari+Oodenta💞

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Hello! I’m Antonia, 23 from England! I started playing in April 2015 and I’m still here!

✨ Taroutachi owns my life
✨ Toumyu owns my bank account
✨ Sometimes I cosplay swords
✨ Sometimes I draw swords
✨ Happy to scream about swords at any given moment!

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Idk what this is but I love swords and one time I saw Kane-san irl and died (excuse the old art)

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Ryo from Buzen no Kuni, nearly 3 years in service. Started for Yagen n stayed for all the goodbois. I write fics n HCs esp abt Awataguchi n Odagumi n recently also Tenka Goken thanks to a meteor called Onimaru. More than ready to scream tachi kiwame n Hanamaru S3 🎉

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Hi! Fresi from Spain! 5 years in hell, I love Samonji and Awataguchi bros, Sayo, Namazuo are my spoiled kids. Feel free to talk to me! 💕

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Hi I'm Tsar! I've been into TKRB since it came out. I love Kanesadas, Dategumi, Genji, Rai... probably every brotherly relationships available!! My favs are Kasen and Uguisumaru. Nice to meet you!
(Psst I made two doujinshis and they're available for order atm!)

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I'm iwi /ren and I've been in sword hell for 2 or 3 years
My best boi is doudanuki mostly, but man do I love iwatooshi, hasebe, Ishikirimaru, jiroutachi, tomoe and... Everyone!!
I like drawing them when I'm not ded with school

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i'm Pi and now i absolutely proud of my son, Fudou Yukimitsu. He grow up so much after Kiwame

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Hola! I'm Mishaii (or Umi), Imanotsurugi is my love ♥ as well as the Sanjou and 90% of the toudans~ Here is my beloved team!

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