Se nos ha ido un grande. GRACIAS POR TODO!

58 33

R.I.P. Satoru Iwata thanks for the childhood 😢

932 608

and R.I.P. You made great memories for children and adults all around the world. We'll play on &smile.

140 184

Pocas imágenes expresan las emociones que sentimos como esta...

101 72

Thank you for letting us into your mind. You will be missed. will never be the same.

215 225

Rip # SatoruIwata... And Thank you ❤

164 163

This man gave us all endless hours of entertainment and that will last forever. 😔💔😭❤️🙏

30 23

Such sad news from Nintendo... For all the years of joy you have brought us, Thank you.

6 7

R.I.P. CEO Satoru Iwata - あまりの急な報せに未だ心は揺れるけれど、前を向いて見送りたいと思います。

1488 2093

for all the hours of joy.

127 136


7 25

R.I.P Satoru Iwata.
Descansa en paz en donde quiera que estés, y gracias por todo.

116 104

for your love of imaginative, fun games. We salute you.

[Art by :]

928 885

Goodbye Satoru Iwata par CaioGomides

43 18