Hoy se cumplen 6 años desde el fallecimiento del Legendario CEO de Nintendo:
Satoru Iwata (1959 - 2015)

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One year ago already

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Drew this little and quick picture of Iwata who unfortunately passed away due to a bile duct growth.

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😢 ตัวการ์ตูนจากเกมส์นินเทนโดร่ำลาครั้งสุดท้าย ให้กับท่านประธานซาโตรุ ที่เสียชีวิตลงวานนี้

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Thank you for the memories, Mr Iwata <3

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Fanart I did today <3
This guy was amazing, I thank him so much for many games <3

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The world of will never be the same without you Mr. Iwata. Thank you for everything.

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tipo que me caía genial y que se veía que amaba y disfrutaba su trabajo.

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"In my heart, I am a gamer."

-Satoru Iwata

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We all grew up with Pokemon and Mario

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Good Bye... Iwata.
Thank You...!

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All of us grew up with Nintendo. 😔

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RIP Iwata... We won't forget your amazing contributions to my favorite game company :(

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Pocas imágenes expresan las emociones que sentimos como esta...

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Thank you for letting us into your mind. You will be missed. will never be the same.

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This man gave us all endless hours of entertainment and that will last forever. 😔💔😭❤️🙏

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