See, I want remake Vincent to LOOK like he sleeps in a coffin. Make him look like a tired vampire.

331 510

Grave Bomber!
Exploding from graves everywhere with his enchanted double-shovel is this defender of the dead! Magically charged with powerful necronesis, Grave Bomber can channel the solemn and creepy energy of tombs and coffins into violent energy blasts!

24 268

Finished custom for coffin.rat over on Instagram! They wanted a Turkish van-like design with these colors and a crystal necklace :) I’m really with how they came out!! 💕

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Sorry I just love him, like he probably threaten to throw me into a coffin but I want to just hug him

0 4

La Muerta Farking Beauticool ~

You create the fark yeah in my life of all things evil coated in sugar & spice ..... And all things nice!
Brian is the Beauticool ~

7 20

Zinnia: An absent friend
Hi its august in a coffin. Highkey dreaded what I have created :)))

13 37

Coffin dance (Ocs) XDDDDDD

4 13

nhs: i put them in the coffin to reconcile
inside the coffin, five years later:

13 131

List of tattoos I want when I'm out of quarantine...


1) this but without the stars and bat. Design on the coffin. And without the skeleton arm. And different font.

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It started with the request for Raine. I saw what you can do. The Maria & Shadow comic really settled me in. Final nail in the coffin was the food court MASTERPIECE/the gas station bee piece.

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Wait-- is that- is that a WATER gun?
I had to succumb to the pretty tropical aesthetic at some point... sealed the coffin..

33 200

Coffinnya diturunin dlu mau closing ceremony

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Calavera (a fused cavly between a cavly and a coffin)

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from one coffin to another

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got my first hint i wouldn't be welcome as myself at hogwarts when jk said that all muggle disabilities were magic’d away, got the nail in the coffin when her transphobia first started. neville always meant a lot to me though so sorry jk, he's nonbinary like me
happy pride

2 7

for aesthetics: Mori Kei, Gold Barbie, Ancient Egyptian Coffins, Porcelain Doll !! 💗 i hope you do feel better soon and can sit down and relax a bit :c

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