O.k., bien, tengo un dilema, estoy entre dejar los iconos, con mucho degradados y detalles o hacerlos simples, voy a usarlos en mi móvil, así que veré como sen ven ambas

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how would I manage without my friends' help in my eternal "but where do I put the arm" dilemma

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Dilemma with Akaashi Keiji (pt. 1)

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Ça y est, Love x Dilemma est bientôt terminé au Japon, le 28ème tome clôturera la série cet été ! 😢

En France, le T.15 est sorti et est disponible en numérique. Toutes les info ➡️ https://t.co/zf907RMauM

9 54

Nemu salah satu page Sevelzaka class yang dulu belum sempat di up karena udah keburu gak dilanjut, disitu techi dilempar Pake penghapus papan tulis sama yuuka tapi karena ngeles malah kena jumin

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If shit is pointless then you're not shit ok😂

BTW I think you have my dilemma but don't just please damn don't.

You're not spooky, you're lovely so don't think about suffering ok😃

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Beri aku pilihan.. aku mau gambar salah satu dari kedua orang ini tapi aku dilema...

Grill apa Yuri ya? 😭😭

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estos días solo tengo dilemas en la cabeza: no se si ir a vrchat o jugar a algo solo
si escojo jugar a algo solo es elegir a que
me paso como 10 minutos para elegir
luego me esteso y me voy a la cama

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🌿✨Deer doodle 🦌🌿✨
(You all know those things that you don't want to upload because you know that you can do it better, .. well that's my dilemma right now. But hey, I had fun painting it, even if I couldn't decide which colors are better :D)

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the dilemma —#xiaodery

72 190

Oii sou a Camilly, tenho 17 anos e gosto MT de ilustração e tbm de 3D, ainda estou em um dilema com meu estilo

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Unas alternativas del al perverso dilema en el que, por ahora, 'el no recomienda lo que debería recomendar porque no se dispone de medios para cumplir lo recomendable'

x2, y

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Love x Dilemma

Fin annoncée pour le manga de Kei Sasuga avec son 28e et dernier tome qui sortira le 17 août au Japon. Le tome 27 étant prévu pour le 15 mai.

En France, retrouvez la série chez

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Stream is now offline...😴

We had a crazy time tonight in The King's Dilemma - a lot of backstabbing, rash decisions, bribery, and more among the lot of us. Shoutouts to , , , and for a fun night!

Thanks for tuning in!

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Randall draws horror art... but he also wants to draw portraits of the ones he loves.... the dilemma...

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Hoy se me pasó el del amigo

Lo mismo me vale un como clásico del rock, o un Gordon o de lo nuestro?
Que dilemas!!!

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