Christmas day gobbo

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Hi! I'm Wolf and I am a character concept artist. Also check out ma boi and his beautiful gobbos.

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Uploading my gobbos together because i can't draw this days so here they are, look at them, appreciate them.

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Festivities done for the year, so I took some better pics of my Red Gobbo. I am really chuffed with the lettering on the sack label which I didn't show before 😊 also I think painting green skin is a new favourite...

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Little gobbo Vylm.... He's some kind of monk/druid and is Sibyl's friend..... Small goblin

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and some gobbo doodles.

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a lil gobbo for patreon

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I spent half an hour last night clipping grots from sprue and it was mundane but awesome.

(I'm going to de-christmas-ify my Red Gobbo too!)

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I already retweeted this a while ago, but I figured I may as well make a singular image post of the Gobbo Naila dnd commission. Look at her go~

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This Gobbo operates hard

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Thank you friends for the beautiful birthday Gobbo drawings 😭❤️ the pup and I love them!!!

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this lol gobbo is goin to this beach

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I offer my fellow Gobbo gal Illunga Who would love to go with any of your oc's ^^❤️

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Mylenndra(green dragon/goblin)
Tristee (Goblin)
Morelle (Gobborne)

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J'ai donc repris les épaules et le bras gauche qui était trop sombre.

Et puis j'ai nettoyé toutes les bavures de l'aéro et commencé à travailler la doublure blanche du manteau et les déco de Noël.

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Ensuite, j'ai attaqué la cape rouge, qui est LA ZONE à ne pas louper sur cette pièce.

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Dear Red Gobbo,
All uz wants for grotsmaz is two hundred and forty teef.... an a war’ama!! Thankin you! via

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