can't wait to finally see this happen on the big screen

117 481

More close ups on things. I’ll have the finished pieces done later today. Straight up almost crying in excitement for this new avengers trailers

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a couple more portraits - Scarlet Witch and The Vision

57 131

A new day, some new portraits. Thanos and Spidey today

43 218

'Infinity Gems' T-Shirt by artist Albertocubatas:

3 7

Shuri giving some of the Avengers new looks :D

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Here are some recent colors over Chris Campana (pencils) and Tony Kordos (inks).

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12 6

Currently watching lovin the new season so far, manahed to wrap up this piece I had been working on in the mean time. As a lifelong Thanos Fan I can't wait for . Hoping the two come to blows!

2 13

Hoy tenemos la gran entrevista con con el que podrás platicar en
Empieza a mandarnos las preguntas que tengas para el y peticiones de saludos!! 21:30 hrs. C/Mexico
Vamos a ver que nos cuenta de

2 7


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I think he would be pretty shocked (?) Idk 😂

74 208