One thousand eight hundred followers!

Thank you all for following me here on Twitter. I hope you enjoy the content, bants and all 😊

Getting close to 2K now, if I reach that milestone I'll do a giveway 😉

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Mechanicum Acastus Knight Asterius.

This is armed with two twin heavy conversion beam cannons, paired volkite culverins and a carapace mounted mortar battery that looks similar to the Karacnos.

Designed by Stuart Williamson.

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More Rachel Pierce portaits:

Scary looking Blood Angel (sorry can't remember his name), Magnus The Red and Necromunda gangers.

Magnus in profile

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Horus Heresy Black Book character portraits by Rachel Pierce.

I'm a big fan of the character portraits and these latest - Sanguinius, Jaghatai Khan and his Head Khan (can't recall his name) are wonderful!

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Very happy to get a chance to paint up the new Lady of Chaos from - wonderful model and a joy to work with. Bring on the excess.

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'Pillagers' are acolytes of the war cult known as 'The Lance'. Ever in a induced hallucinogenic state, they perceive whispers from the warmongering alien race after which the cult named itself.

From my project 'Baptisma', enjoy!

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This pendulum has really been handy in a lot of my games.

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Completed Grey Knights Storm Raven, a fun project! 😊 commission

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I’ve continued work on my Tabletop standard DoK, really happy with the new Basing and the final elements of the colour scheme.

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My full report on - round by round coverage, overall impressions and cool stories! my best AOS experience ever. Thanks er

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Continued progress shots if the flappy ladies. Too many stages on the wings but pleased with the result so far. Mega pleased with the basing which I think look fantastic, love 40mm bases!

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Sergeant Kal Jerrod from XIX squad, Sabre Company. Still need to add weathering.

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Quick update, and a novel addition - I'm giving the fan made chapters a go, as I finally admit I'm going to do the full 1000 chapters. Titans of Uros this time, and some welcome colour for the Watch :)

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That’s another Thunder Warrior on the way

What do you guys think ?

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My project for the weekend, finishing my bone witch bust. Loosely based off of another Lovecraft mythos, she is worshipper of the black goat, hence the goat horn scar on her forehead.

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