The New Generation Fan Art By Timothy Chiasson


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The Saga artwork by Jamie Sullivan.

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ジャンヌ・フランセーズは全37巻を予定(既刊4)の米国漫画シリーズ Robotech Remix で 今度新作アニメを放映予定の機甲創世記モスピーダの『VR-038 バートレイ』用の『騎乗服 CVR-3F』着用の精悍な少佐となった姿が登場してます

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Robotech リミックス(シリーズ)Elmer Damaso Facebook より 機甲創世記モスピーダ『可変戦闘機レギオス』女性用パイロットスーツ『CVR-3F』姿のジャンヌ・フランセーズ

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On 7/28 at 9 PM ET, in honor of the 35th anniversary of will be airing The Shadow Chronicles (2006) on their All Day channel (ch 675). Always free. Tune in! Starring , , , & more!

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On 7/28 at 9 PM ET, in honor of the 35th anniversary of will be airing The Shadow Chronicles (2006) on their All Day channel (ch 675). Always free. Tune in! Starring , , , & more!

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On 7/28 at 9 PM ET, in honor of the 35th anniversary of will be airing The Shadow Chronicles (2006) on their All Day channel (ch 675). Always free. Tune in! Starring , , , & more!

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On 7/28 at 9 PM ET, in honor of the 35th anniversary of will be airing The Shadow Chronicles (2006) on their All Day channel (ch 675). Always free. Tune in! Starring , , , & more!

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B-ko's hair design and color were inspired by Lynn Minmay from the Macross/Robotech series.

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On 7/28 at 9 PM ET, in honor of the 35th anniversary of will be airing The Shadow Chronicles (2006) on their All Day channel (ch 675). Always free. Tune in! Starring , , , & more!

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超時空騎団サザンクロス ジ・オリジン にて全39話で完結編制作された場合の三人娘のその後、ムジカ/ムジエとボウイの音楽家🎵としての戦後を監督『長谷川康雄』さんへのインタビュー記事として掲載しています

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And an Invid Shock Trooper has been picked up so now marking another Vintage Robotech item off the list for this month!

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機甲創世記モスピーダ (この区域で完全に安全な基地へ帰還せよ) インビットとの交戦後、生残空軍基地を目指す可変戦闘機『VFA-6 レギオス (イオタ)』の三機編隊

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ダグラムじゃなくってボトムズだったらなぁ~スパクロ共演のサン娘枠で紹介できたんだけどなぁ~『Robotech Defenders』の商品展開でボトムズ混ざってないかなぁ~

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Without stating the obvious (Akira, Ghost In The Shell), mine are as follows:

Dominion Tank Police
Project A-Ko
Bubblegum Crisis
Macross / Robotech

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Our exclusive pins are LIVE! Get the Lynn Minmay Doll, Ben Dixon’s VF-1A & Jack Archer’s VF-1J while supplies last! We've also got the 6 pin set of VF Pins available & pick up the Southern Cross Helmets you need from!

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機甲創世記モスピーダ レフレックスポイント最終決戦で生き延びた地球抵抗分子間で「ノヴァ・サトリ」より有名な者はない。ラーナ・イザヴィア中佐指揮下の彼女は占領者の間で天罰として悪評を得た

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