what do you mean i should not draw skeletons that often, its good for my health and clears my skin everyday uwu

2 6

I hope this clears things up without me outright saying it.

21 180

Snow here too Donald hope it clears for early Saturday morning we have a flight from Manchester 😧

0 1

Commission work for Allenson
credits to the original character owner.

0 5

Two chibis for someone on amino!!

I LOVE DOING CHIBIS SO MUCH,,, once some time clears up imma do a raffle for these eeeeeeee

1 6

Ok, is * clears throat *
I'm Paul, an over motivated farm rooster. Waking up people in the morning is fine, but I think my destiny is to sing in theaters and movies.
My designer Jordi, is a nice guy happy to collaborate with Art Directors and Production Designers.

16 149

* clears throat* HOUSE TARGARYEN!!!

0 0

Collecting achievements, high grades, and RV difficulty clears will increase your HERZ, a rating that summarizes your skill and completion status. Your HZ will display on your leaderboard entries and grant access to new modules, styles, and challenges.

2 7

Oya here we go
I don't know who took the pics when I was in the mood for jazz.. But it think it my left hand.

0 1

*clears throat* does anyone want to do some art trades?
I need warm ups to do before commissions here’s some examples of art lol

1 3

Just as a good rain clears the air, a good day clears the psyche.
~Julia Cameron

75 144

Ja és aquí el nou Balears Abans i Ara!
Ja són vuit números, poca broma!
El color a càrrec de l'amic Jose Arnau.
Ha quedat imprès genial!😊

6 9

Clearsight's struggle with holding onto the futures she can see and the one she desperately wants to come true

17 52

(walks up to mic)
(clears throat)
(the crowd goes wild)

2 14


•Clears throat•

Hmm, my pleasure, I aim to please to make a good first impression.

•As he began to reluctantly share his following work of the heroine•

I.....want to share these as well, even though they're not as good as I thought.

0 1

Teinu-kun clears the snow.

33 187

El pla de tancament de les centrals nuclears a l'Estat espanyol no preveu com desfer-se de milers de tones de residus que suposen un perill per a futures generacions. Reportatge de il·lustració portada

0 1