# wolf sheep danger comics laugh humor freedomofspeech society power censorship bureaucracy civilization control accountability history banks corruption truth courage will judgment integrity people life machine body fear soul work job stress poem poetry poetic fire time symbolism meaning art chilling metaphor being becoming light wax oil wick wednesdaythoughts wednesdaymotivation motivation wednesdaywisdom understanding strength reading writing information learning wisdom knowledge books book technology static analytics writer readers knowling truestory reality pages experience sea godzilla megalon jetjaguar godzillamovie godzillakingofthemonsters godzilla2 kaiju monster creature campy cheesy film movie battle royalrumble fun imagination creativity concept design horror chiling arachnid spider spiders creepy weird eerie legs insect fantasy fantastic awesome cool vehicle predator hunter cart scary fright thursdaythought gothic gargoyles artist firefighters heros notredame notredamefire notredamedeparis notredamecathedralfire paris france water destruction fridaythoughts cartoon emotional powerful wow scifi sciencefiction alien unknown story doom adventure exploration storytelling detail strange dignity humanity money wealth bank sad capitalism corporate obediance slavery obey modernity greed dollars spending merchendise bills freedom banking lamb good evil vice virtue innocence sin fable fairytale fairytales magic moral lesson darkness murder shadow violence morality duality reflection death mythology myth legend moon dusk witch witchcraft nightmare beauty ugliness be comic funny laughs smile male female stilllife painting boobs breasts peaches seduction arousal inspiration insticts flesh object zilla creatures toho movies mutation iguana revenge godzilla1998 titans beautiful beach meeting conversation freidnship beaing insight shipwrecked survival incredible wonder curiosity moments colors gigan aliens space blood enemy hooks persona person mask face depression mentalhealth existance existantialism pain suffering darts jusgment expectations melencholy sadness feelings loss fake plastic socialmedia illusion false

Some love living dangerously.

"Wold Disguise" by After Death Comics.

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It's insane how hypernormalized silencing people via social media bans has become.

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Bureaucracy: an intentionally convoluted organizational system in which administrators make all the rules and decisions without any accountability for their actions.

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July 10th 1832, Andrew Jackson vetoes the bill that would recharter the Bank of the US. Jackson, like Jefferson, was an adamant opponent of a national bank, believing such a bank would be inherently corrupt & favor the interests of the rich.

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Post and transhumanism is the result of the body's insecurity and jealousy of the soul's infinite potential and power.

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