Matthew Bowkett asked to see this paw-esome cover by Ian Kennedy for Issue 1106 WAGERS WAR for his Classic Commando cover! What would you like to see?

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Had a dream last night of being hunted by distended body horror vampires. Upon waking, thought an rpg where you hunt them back in WW2 Europe would be awesome.
Hence today's warm up.

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- Smol Soldiers - Battle of North Africa WW2 - Italian Forces Lolis - Italian Colonial Scouts Fezzan ( Arabic Libyan ) & Faven ( Eritrean ) with Beretta M1918 + OVP 1918 SMG's - Which faction should i do next?

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Military Art - SMOL SOLDIERS: Warsaw Uprising 1944 - Saxony the Dirlewanger Kieiner-Scout with MP-40.

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Your serve! Chilies, grenades and the Battle of Tennis Court - all in Issue 5253 Killer Cook! Out soon!

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at the second Commando Codenamed Warlord cover! You'll have to wait a little while to see the rest!

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V E day ‘Commemoration’ oil on canvas 80cm x60cm.
I painted this painting as a commemoration of WW2 Victory in Europe day.

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Design presumably based off the famous Soviet WW2 illustration – "The metamorphosis of the 'Fritzes'" by the Soviet art trio, Kukryniksy

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A reconnaissance flight over the Pacific goes terribly wrong for a Vought OS2U Kingfisher! Issue 5257 SPLASHDOWN IN THE PACIFIC out 22nd August!

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ソ連空軍でWW2中に活躍した戦略爆撃機のペトリャコフ Pe-8の擬人(?)化のらくがきです。小さくデフォルメしていますがWW2期のソ連の戦略爆撃機の中では最も大きい機体なのでソ連ボマー達の中でも一番図体がデカい人。重武装しているけど爆撃機としてはちょっと力足らずだったので大戦後半はIL-4と交代。

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Karl Stindl is a loyal soldier of WSS. He's competent and full of energy as he's still quite young. But war changes people, and the politics are tossed aside when his war turns into a fight for survival.

(I found a clever way to hide his insignia)

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さっき、呟いた、プロパガンダでWW2期にディズニーが作ったアニメ( ^ω^ )

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