Fun Fact: The word Baku means a benevolent creature who is known to eat the dreams of people. >:3

Plus, Bakura wears a Dreamcatcher. Hahaha

7 28

baku (quick doodle)

98 262

Baku-boys and Deku-dudes

588 1047

In Japanese Lore, a BAKU is a dream-eater which is a good spirit that devours the nightmares of sleeping people Art:Mosher

46 90

wanted to draw the angry baku boy in a bombers jacket!

1837 4432

baku for the zine
just want to share a small image here because damn...he is so cool

1705 5644

Update: Aalbernd, Agon, Amnesimon, Amokrele, Argwoni, Ätzardine, Autschi, Azurdrache, B3-NK1, Baku!

0 1

self indulgent older kacchako headcanon (late teens/early 20s???), including long hair Baku, shorter hair Ocha, and plenty of battle scars

234 678

just some silly friendship shenanigans between Baku, Kiri, Todo, and Kami. i love these kids<33

1860 3055

raku areba baku ari.

17 42

kiri as kindergarten teacher and baku as flowershop bike delivery AU rough idea and i hate my rough sketches

16 31

Toga Himiko from doing unexpected things~ I have ideas for Baku and others too!

1 15


12 23

Kiri overdid it and Baku is embarrassed

Happy Valentines day !!!!

21 23

me: remembers baku's favorite soda
me: draws this

49 60

ahh sorry im super late happy bday !!! i drew 2p baku :'0

8 13