You asked, we heard:
Based on Buu Saga;
redemption 2 piece sweat suit

Concept 👉

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Retro Style of bubba-buu fursona

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Con Badge for awesome artist Bubba Buu

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Bah voilà BattleRoad Saga De Buu validé
Le dernier combat n’est vraiment pas difficile vus qu’il y’a qu’un ennemi, qu’on a un bloquer de spé et 2 Vegetto mais il est long et m’a coûté beaucoup d’items

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Look! It's Pink Big Chungus and a Screaming Meanie!

I went back and finished those Majin Buu sketches I posted last year. I wanted to try something different and try coloring them similar to their render images from Dragon Ball FighterZ.

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I meant to have this done on the 1st since that was her birthday.
I did have fun drawing this since Wolfy Prince Dia is my favourite UR.

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Buu Saga started off great but devolved into my absolute least favorite thing about DBZ: 10-year-olds arguing about who’s got the better OC.

So I ended up just letting the Vegito fight run in the background while I drew this.

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海福雑貨さん の新春イベント 2019 に参加します🎌🎍☺️🎍🎌来年は猪年🐗海外では豚年🐖もあり&縁起の良い動物ということで… 新作マトリョーシカ PiG buu-buu 作りました🐷なかなかのつぶら具合🥰

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I'm not allowed to post about the tiefs in our podcast yet!! It's a mystery until our grand release! Buu. But take my "plants are better than people" nakey druid tief 🌱 and a non-binary arcane trickster 🎭 using a homebrew gemstone based subrace
and Leilarii Art

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Gohan: "Don't you think maybe Buu's a dud?"

*Dabura gets tossed into the nearest mountain for insulting Buu*

My Sister: "He ain't no milk dud, he's a jawbreaker."

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Wonder what Buu tastes like? Whatever the flavor, something tells me the calories makes it a bad idea to find out... 🐷🍨

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Quickest most generic filler daily monster ever so I can go back to binging the Buu Saga and dreading the 6am damage control I’m gonna hafta do at my job tomorrow.

Supreme Kai needs a hug, the poor incompetent child.

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Smol Christmas Kid Trunks
i would like to get Goten,Kason and Buu done too but that won't happen lol ^^

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Recent commission, posted with permission. It's been a lot of fun tackling DBZ, as it was one of my earliest influences. Lookin' forward to that movie.

Unpopular opinion: The Buu saga gets way more hate than it deserves.

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screenshot redraw of vegito after he throws a big pink ball back at a big pink buu 😍

btw if i had his children would they be half saiyan or 2/3rds this is v important

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Hers Hanata as a buu, plus I kinda like black goku, so he's just a little accessory I've added!

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Ultra Buu cosplaying as Triple H, I guess. Kinda an idea made from one of 's tweet about Buff Buu looking like Triple H from 2002 when coming back from the quad tear. I took that idea and kinda made this. So you're welcome. I may not draw him again but we'll see.

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Majin/Super/Kid Buu: officially too hot for Tumblr.

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I realized something about the Buu shirts I had printed for and before TwitchCon. The Buu is off center. Not enough to be immediately noticeable, but just enough to squint and feel that something isn't right.

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