Let's be honest here, this tournament would be over by now if Gotenks was there.

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Nouvelles Images Dragon Ball Fighter Z
Le jeu est prévu pour le 26/01/2018

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Goten and Trunks in Gotenks' intro, pulled from the FighterZ site.

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Primeras imágenes de Gotenks, Kid Buu y Gohan adulto en DB Fighter Z.

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Dragon Ball FighterZ adds Gotenks, Kid Buu, and Adult Gohan https://t.co/iVFL9FAss1

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Aldoxyus, the blade of the forggoten warrior (?

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Un peu court sur patte je m'etait inspiré de gotenks

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Voila la fusion métamole de Caulifla et Kale
Malheureusement un peu court sur patte je m'etait inspiré de gotenks

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~Dragon Ball~

{Goten & Trunks}

ID: ¿?

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❀〖 Trunks and Goten ✧ DBS ━ Matching 〗

ーPixiv ID: 43326187

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~Dragon Ball~

{Goten, Trunks, Piccoro & Goku}

dA ID: 2796392
dA ID: 93792628


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