Fan Art of the YouTube series "1 for All" from Nixie the tiefling as played by Looked at different reference photos to get all the details just right. I really like this YouTube series and plan on doing the whole cast eventually.

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Have you herd 😉 about our upcoming Its perfect for all ages! Head to the to find out more! 👇

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I got THE HYPE when I saw the infinite 100% on the anime, hope you like my version of it! PLUS ULTRA!!!!!! ial

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¿no tienen amigos que les digan "che, no da"? xq ignorar a uno de los integrantes solo porque no tiene shipp es muy estúpido de su parte xd.
Alex es un amor de persona y no tiene el reconocimiento que se merece, pero a pesar de todo sigue ahí <3

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Huge thanks to everyone who signed up to our Patreon yesterday! The support from this community is incredible and your contributions will go a long way in making even better. 💕

Have some Nixie fan art by Instagram user gedicht07124! 🔥

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Painter and illustrator Jess Chen (ng), truly captures ’ character in a spectacular portrait that took 7 hours to complete.
Join the movement by tagging your posts to be featured.

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Midoriya Izuku [One for All - Full Cowling 100%] from Boku no Hero Academia.
Took me a while to draw but it was worth it.

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got caught up with BNHA again. this show really hurts and I love it for that.

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“Eri... mind lending me a hand here?”
Drawing I did in honor of the new episode, hope you guys like it!

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Infinite 100% smash - bocu no hero academia-
Finally back to drawing after weeks of exams, u can download the pic from my twitter account.

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Fan Art Friday is back with some fantastic submissions from creatives , , , and . Enjoy!
Join the movement by tagging your posts to be featured.

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Check out this amazing fan art of Nixie by talented artist caedes_art on Instagram. We're in love! Use to make sure we see your incredible creations~ 🎨

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As part of our programme to keep art alive in schools, eagle-eyed Rory in Year 1 of discovered this falcon on a suitor’s arm from del Sellaio’s ‘Cupid and Psyche’. Here are the classes results.

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