Working on the AI for the skeleton right now! (he still can't hit enemies)

2 7

A spider enemy's walking sprite. 5 frames.

2 7

Falling in love with some watercolour brushes in photshop :)

2 1

Forest, surprises and so much more guys! isn't ready, working on it.

5 24

Flynn and his pal Dex from our newest W.I.P PC game!

14 62

Finished the skilltree! Now onto the skills themselves. maybe ill slip some menu stuff inbetween

2 1

Flynn testing his powers on the placeholders, good riddance

21 92

Have some more bandit-combos while I still work on the necromancer skilltree

4 2

I swear I'll stop having fun eventually!

4 15

Player triggered.. state-changing.. defensive/offensive.. shields, oh my!

16 69

Last one of the night! (All passives I've created today.. at once)

5 20

I've upload Smoothie Galaxy source on if someone is interested

54 112

Testing synergies is a lot of fun!

9 24

ᵖᵉʷ ᵖᵉʷ ᵖᵉʷ Pew Pew Pew PEW PEW PEW PEEWW PEWW PEEEEWWW!!!

8 30

The hurt animation for this boss turned out incredibly silly :P

4 6

Made a new banner picture, will try to tweet more often :)

1 3

One full bandit-combo ended with some throwing stars. Poor little slimes...

2 3