//=time() ?>
It is a story about Hong Kong teenagers!
🙏🏻Translation Credit @MelanieMel_HK
If you would like to help to translate in other languages, please feel free to DM me!! ;)
🖤FB: 港妹。生活
#illustration #nochinaextradition #hongkong #antiextraditionlaw #antielab #文宣 #科勞手足 #天水圍 #奇蹟 #standwithhongkong #fightforfreedom
@SolomonYue @hkpoliceforce CCPChina and HKGov are doing the genocide in Hong Kong. The first group they targeted is the young, especially the educated! This is an effective way to destroy the civilisation and future of a place.#SOSHK #HongKongProtests
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Thank you so much for being so patience with me and for paying attention and supporting and caring for us Hongkongers!
Love you all and please allow me to give you tons of hugs and kisses like Tsum Cap to Tony!!!!! <3<3<3
President Trump signed the #HongKongHumanRightsandDemocracyAct
Original artwork by @cusonlo https://t.co/qKE1hFGKpI
Thank you President @realDonaldTrump Senators @SenRubioPress @SenTedCruz @SenRickScott and America made HongKong Human Right and Democracy Act happen. Destroy Chinazi Evil Empire , Save the world And HongKong. #HKHumanRightsandDemocracyAct #ResistBeijing #LiberateHongKong
@RepMichaelWaltz @realDonaldTrump Thank you for supporting us, we love uuuuu 😭😭👍#StandwithHK #FreeHK #HongKongHumanRightsandDemocracyAct
The Global Startup Competition is a brand-new competition organised by AngelHub & WHub as part of the Startup Impact Summit 2020 #hongkong #startmeuphk202 #startupimpact https://t.co/ylmhaegGwi
The path to the latest election was literally paved with our people's lives. #Hongkongers shall NEVER TAKE IT FOR GRANTED.
#HongKong #NeverForget
Wow I just now realized a #SleepingDogs sequel would NOT go over well in 2019...
#HongKong #Gaming #hongkongpolicebrutality #HongKongPolice #GTAV #GTAOnline
@thetimesscot @WBYeats1865 Horrible.
That’s why HongKongers don’t want to be like Chinese. They won’t allow you to have different opinions, or they will use hate speech to you. But they don’t even know they are control by who. Poor people.
Deliciosa recreación de @davpope (19/11) de una ilustración de EH Shepard para hacer uso, en ref. a #HongKongProstest, del recurso a representar al presidente Xi como #winniethepooh
#humor #arte #cartoon #art
Wish the elders who have wisdom be healthy and live a long life
Day 170: 25/11/2019
There are still protesters trapped in #PolyU
Hang in there.
Source: IG dreamourhk_ via https://t.co/p0yWtCBJep
#HongKongProtests #FiveDemandsNotOneLess