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Thank you President @realDonaldTrump Senators @SenRubioPress @SenTedCruz @SenRickScott and America made HongKong Human Right and Democracy Act happen. Destroy Chinazi Evil Empire , Save the world And HongKong. #HKHumanRightsandDemocracyAct #ResistBeijing #LiberateHongKong
People want to know how to #StandWithHongKong and here's something I draw summarizing different thoughts from Lihkg forum :)
#HongKongProstests #HKHumanRightsandDemocracyAct #FreeHK #antichinazi #CCP #HKprotests #lihkgpig #lipig https://t.co/RbQaD4zhGt
What’s happening now to #HKprotesters ? We are angry, worried and desperate . #SanUkLing #hkpolicebrutality #HKPoliceTerrorism #HKHumanRightsandDemocracyAct #StandWithHongKong
Voice from Hong Kong people: Those lawmakers betrayed us. Please PASS the Hong Kong Human Rights and Decorcacy Act.