Im too tired and busy to do big stuff but here anyway hope next pd of is Iwata

7 19

Every gamer on Twitter, right now:

121 103

For making my childhood the best it can be

15 29

thank you for everything mr. iwata

248 323

Bueno con esto dejo de lado cualquier reflexión y tal, para decir: Gracias y descansé en paz Satoru Iwata.

0 0

Rest In Peace, Satoru Iwata.

3932 4090

for the memories & games that brought so many of us together. We've lost a great leader.

318 381

Tragicas noticias, muere el presidente Satoru perdiste una vida, solo reiniciaste el juego.

33 29

rest in peace Mr. Iwata

215 277

We will miss you. Rest in peace, Mr. Iwata.

153 377

Thank you for all the joy you've brought into our lives. Rest in peace Mr. Iwata.

343 349

Who else can you name in the industry known for their trademark personality?

48 49

Thank you for everything Iwata-san. Thanks for all the Kirby memories.

3 13

thanks for everything Iwata-san. You've helped my favourite game series stay fun to the end.

88 93