Saw and it was a solid movie. For a movie about the King of Wakanda the women stole the show and kicked ass! Danai Gurira was awesome as Okoye. Inspired some fan art today!

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13 35

m'baku would be such a thicc panther tho... 🙏💖

2953 8678

I don't get out to see movies very often these days, but I'm really glad we got a sitter and saw this weekend. I especially loved all the strong female characters. Had to do a little fan art!

46 213

this has probably already been done before but uh

113 195

fanart becaus ive not been this inspired by a superhero movie in a loong time! I loved Okoye so muchh!!!!

2 1

& after seeing in his casual OC had to be in it.

5 30

Here is my final cover for Black Panther I used a very different process here and I am pretty happy with the result. Enjoy!

1058 3987

1/2 Moar art. When was cast for the role, we all got super excited! We also got the note to make him more of a shaman of the earth and less of a warrior. I researched many african tribes: how they use leathers, beading, paints, feathers, bone, etc-

35 217

Shuri deserves a solo movie! 💜

130 879