Hello Edda, it’s lovely to see you 😻 I’m well thank you and hope you are too xx 🤗😘🤗

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Hermann Hendrich (1854-1931) est un qui fait partie de cette génération fascinée par les légendes de l'#Edda et les contes germaniques.

Plus encore inspiré par les œuvres de il produit 12 œuvres pour le "Nibelungenhalle", là où aurait tué le dragon.

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As recorded in The Impudent Edda, in Back Bay is the bar that forcibly removed Odin from the premises for illicit and foul-tempered drunken behavior. He later spent the night on the steps of https://t.co/knKhZmFiIM

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After 800 years, the final installment of The Edda Trilogy finally arrived, bringing the world’s foremost epic fantasy trilogy to its inevitable and fateful conclusion: in an alleyway behind a dive bar in South Boston. https://t.co/knKhZmFiIM

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EDDA verano eterno 🌴( Hypothetical).

I only draw the units that I have, so don't expect to see many step or crank box units drawn by me, I have very bad luck with those boxes.

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The Impudent Edda’s first review on amazon has appeared. I don’t actually know the guy despite his positive rating or that he apparently lives in the quaint New England village of Valhalla, Mass. But I totally skål to his honor https://t.co/LRPn0PSVUs

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Just a quick Yuri as he is now one of my top characters. I also think it's nifty that his crest weapon (accessory?) is called "The Fetters of Dromi", a reference to one of the cuffs they used to tie down the wolf, Fenrir, in the Prose Edda; it's a good ref~

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会期 2020/2/19-2/24
場所 原宿
詳細 https://t.co/83O2cCEZUA


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Wayland the smith is a story told in Völundarkviða (a poem in the Poetic Edda) and Þiðreks saga. In them, Wayland is enslaved by a king and takes revenge by killing the king's sons and then escaped by crafting a winged cloak and flying away.

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hey!! edda here! I do mostly 2d art but i’m also learning 3d✨ (https://t.co/IoJqhbf7UH) 💕

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Our collective understanding of Norse mythology is primarily documented in the Eddas: two from medieval Iceland and a more recent one from Massachusetts. The scribes illuminated them well. https://t.co/knKhZmFiIM

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And another one why not. Edda Burber by

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For the life of me I can’t get this picture to photograph well

_(:3 」∠)_

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明日12/11 0:00〜配信スタート&イケガミヨリユキさん(



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2019.12.11 お楽しみに!


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11/20(水)より公開された「ポルターガイスト」のジャケット写真は、ミュージックビデオも作って頂いたギブミ〜!トモタカさん に描き下ろして頂きました!

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Fenrir is a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology. Fenrir is attested in the 'Poetic Edda'. Fenrir is the father of the wolves Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson, is a son of Loki, and is foretold to kill the god Odin, but will in turn be killed by Odin's son Víðarr.

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FLOATING WORLD is about Hana, host to an extra-dimensional parasite, the side-effects of which include being able to perceive other E.D.A. or “edda”, and usually death.
However, the parasite manifests itself to her as a talking dog named Shiro, who offers a way to delay her end.

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