Quick, give em some candy before he stabs something!
I really love Randi’s outfit in the Remake...


12 62

We need to start a campaign for to be casted for the next game! Incredibly talented voice actress. Was a blast having her on last night for Elite Dangerous.

6 11


A painting I started working based a couple months ago based off my Inkling in Splatoon 2 but then left it alone for a while. So, I decided to come in and finish it up! Besides the questionable anatomy, I think she turned out pretty nice!

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2nd runner up giveaway prize

ok im died
ddlc artist uses multiply layers for lighting so i wanted to try it out
clearly half assed the clothing again

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Would you KILL4ME? I love you enough so I ask you again you would kill kill4me?

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Late Halloween post but oh well..

Call this one " The Speaker "

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Its Halloween with Ruby and Weiss !

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17 69

uv been the source of love & light 4me 4so long. I hope U feel all the❤️being sent your way now. Love u immensely Frankie.💕

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This feels more but hey, Htol#Niq's story wrecked my heart like a bitch and this one prolly will too.

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Wishing I was an anime character.... Loving that lavender hair color 💜😍

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