OUF ! via https://t.co/vttCDjN6u1 (parce que 9gag est pas foutu de le tag quand ils volent son travail)

79 325

When people downvote ur memes

2 9

Saw this on and all I can say is this honestly, is me to a tea!

0 0

Saw a 9gag post about a bra-like eyemask and I just-

0 0

So clingy ah this animal 😂😂😂

6 2

the 9gag pokemon (made by Marix20 on Deviantart)

0 1

9gag의 그 캐릭터 모에화... 와...

44 12

Being a fan girl, I can say this is mostly true

3 0

找到原作者了- 出自香港電台的通識漫畫。我不明白,後來上載到9gag的人為什麼專登要斬頭斬尾,抹去作者資料。 @@ - 已經成日係咁... 用人家的圖幫你賺大錢也算,加埋你自己水印都算,點解還要特登整走人個名,搞到冇source

4 1

Erdil Yaşaroğlu'nun 9GAG'da ingilizce olarak yayınlanan karikatürü ve Türkçesi:

64 23