Random icons bc I was bored. They were randomly created but I’ll probably make them into story mode character or shop owners. I hope you like them
They’re names are supposed to sound like sea anemone when said together (Sia,Annie and Monroe)

9 56

i wonder if those are anemone...

0 39

your christmas gift has arrived, please enjoy💜💕✨

they were a joy to draw <3

0 10

お題 遙かなるキャロル



9 31

오늘 밤, 올 한 해 착한 일을 많이 한 사람에게 성호 루돌프가 찾아간데요! 즐거운 성탄절 보내세요~🥳


46 255

- Live in the deepest part of Area Zero
- Have a different color
- Hair and tassels around his hands contain a poisonous toxin, that's why he always keeps his distance with everyone

1 2

My oc Noirstar for Fashion Arena project! She’s a sea star fashion designer with an underground music background. This is a collaborate project and I’m working with my partner , she’s drawing Noirstar’s sea ​​anemone Mikiko

10 66

She’s the most beautiful woman ever go ahead and fight me

21 156

vol.3〜Anemone〜 市毛北斗




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the black cat on the cxm covers symbolizes ichika.

saeki has the anemone (?) motif in his zero design as seen on his coat and the badge on his shoulder strap.

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Hey there Dee! I'm Anemone and here's some of my works.

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. 『ピクセルアート イソギンチャク』
(Pixel Art Sea Anemone)

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Adoptables for sale thread!

Cirtrus Manta, Blood anemone manta, virtual manta, calico manticore

Each can be preclaimed for $150 with the halfbody/cheebs or $200 for the fullbody front and back view with the cheebs!

Optional payment plan info and ToS: https://t.co/RmgIJ6mhvC

1 5

I say Work In Progress but it's probably WIP forever.. this painting is more than a year old and I draw some stuff differently now.

Alfie belongs to ! Sorry I haven't quite drawn them enough, lowkey wants to redesign Anemone cause I can't seem to enjoy drawing her ; _ ;

1 7

Cominciamo a non pensare che l’inverosimile possa aver termine nell’universo ma folle è la danza
che dà ai no
suoni creati
ai sì dell’amore
incontrato solo una volta nella vita
di un anemone di mare che soffia tra le rocce
e l’acqua
e trova al centro
il respiro dell’anima
R.C. 💫

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"Anemone wa Netsu wo Obiru" by Sakuragi Ren! Please Seven Seas T_T This series deserves it so much!

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Both of the silly sea anemones

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