oh, he does kind of look like Val😂but his name is Ray, from AotuWorld, the brown haired one is Anmicius🙏✨I found a funny picture to explain it(?

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Arknights x Aotuworld

Ayerscarpe x Ansel x Leonheart
Ray x Ninler x Anmicious

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感觉帕洛斯像在逗小猫 最后一p是师兄和安迷修

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Did a translation for all of those who want to try playing the Aotu mobile game, please have fun in there!
I do not own anything but the translations

Illustration by 猫菇椰汁
Characters and game by 7Doc (七创社)

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儿童节快乐 还是满脑子帕洛斯 这几天难受的像胃穿孔一样 不过从来没有画哪个男人这么无比顺手 画的很开心

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