I should finish the 4BEATS chibi series first, but I draw this instead.. I want to draw this is us album so badly.

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I really hope we get to see more mayfly 🥺 i genuinely love them hdhdhd stays and atinys, can you guys like, introduce me to them? XD

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Been playing Colours/Playing With Paint on repeat
M-snake, don’t be shy and release the studio version.......please

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Who can fly? We can fly!!!!! Orururururuururuu✨✨

Mayfly - Dance Performance Team

I finally finished peuni with his new dongsaengs 🥺💙 Anyway i’m still soft for Mayfly 🥺 //disappears again for a week

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Thank you team mayfly for such a beautiful performance today 🥺

Jongho, Eunkwang and Seungmin all sounded amazing 🌟

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Playing with paint featuring Vịtracha (🦆racha which Vịt is 🦆 in Vietnamese )

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