Wrong Turn by Furio Tedeschi

9 62

Another cosplayer fanart, this time the gorgeous Alice Deschamps!

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My most recent obsession. I’ll be making stickers of them soon!! ❤️💜💚💛

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Ein Hirsch-Wolf Hybrit den ich gezeichnet habe. Ich wurde von dem Photo-Etid von dem Pferd mit der Hundeschnauze inspiriert.

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+++MAnime Adventskalender Tag 5+++

In Kooperation mit verlosen wir 1x «Sanjis leckere Piraten-Rezepte»!

Um mitzumachen, folge uns, retweete diesen Tweet und sag uns, was Sanji am liebsten für dich kochen sollte. Einsendeschluss ist der 5. Dezember um 23:59 Uhr.

33 53

Juliette Fournier , Jean Gaël Deschard の’Bakamon‘ が届いた。絵を見て気付いたけど、’KAMI’ と同じ作者なのな。

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사이퍼'즈'의 그 의사양반과 사이퍼 낙서
의사양반 요즘 잘 지내시나ㅏ
(repost because i'm a sleep deprived idiot and forgot english comments+tags)
camille deschamps from cypher's' and actual cypher doodle lol

3 20

It was supposed to be a basic background study of a cute street and then turned into a meditation sketch about the jumble of chaos that has actually always been with us. Swipe for details.

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me in elementary/gradeschool vs me now smdnsndmsmdn https://t.co/I2nuURrQM9

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** Caption Contest ** mit

Einsendeschluss ist der 20.11.!
Ihr könnt sowohl das Bild einfach nur hochladen & eure Caption sowie dazuschreiben oder eure Caption direkt ins Bild schreiben und das ganze dann mit dem Hashtag hochladen!

11 49

Even more concepts by Senior Concept Artist Martin Deschambault and designed for Valhalla!

You can find them all in our dedicated album (32 pictures): https://t.co/lwEvDoagUv

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ARTBLAST II: Martin Deschambault presents his breathtaking concept explorations for Valhalla, showcasing various areas and events.

6 115

quick Julien Deschamps, one of my Nyo!Hetalia OC

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The last Poisonous Flower Fairy. I used the scientific name to get a 'z' in my lineup but Zantedeschia Aethiopica is also known as the Calla Lily. All 31 are finished now! I'm looking into how best to put together the little booklet I have in mind...

2 16

The last Poisonous Flower Fairy. I used the scientific name to get a 'z' in my lineup but Zantedeschia Aethiopica is also known as the Calla Lily. All 31 are finished now! I'm looking into how best to put together the little booklet I have in mind...

2 5

Nous y avons notamment ajouté une page consacrée à l'exercice des souvenirs et anecdotes de production auquel s’est livré sur Twitter.

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3 décembre 1887 : Sadi Carnot
3 décembre 2020 : Sadi Deschoses

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