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(21/12) Happy late Birthday to you Hades-san, Kim-san, Boss-san and Kasumi-san!🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉
Another cosplayer fanart, this time the gorgeous Alice Deschamps!
Wip to finished!
Finished piece available on Redbubble
#Hades #HadesFanArt #HADESgames #Chaos #HadesChaos #ChaosHades #Chaosfanart #traditionalart #mangaart #mangastyle #fanart
My most recent obsession. I’ll be making stickers of them soon!! ❤️💜💚💛 #chaos #hades #HadesGame #HadesGameFanart #hadeschaos #sticker #procreate #digitalart
+++MAnime Adventskalender Tag 5+++
In Kooperation mit @carlsen_verlag verlosen wir 1x «Sanjis leckere Piraten-Rezepte»!
Um mitzumachen, folge uns, retweete diesen Tweet und sag uns, was Sanji am liebsten für dich kochen sollte. Einsendeschluss ist der 5. Dezember um 23:59 Uhr.
Juliette Fournier , Jean Gaël Deschard の’Bakamon‘ が届いた。絵を見て気付いたけど、’KAMI’ と同じ作者なのな。
사이퍼'즈'의 그 의사양반과 사이퍼 낙서
의사양반 요즘 잘 지내시나ㅏ
(repost because i'm a sleep deprived idiot and forgot english comments+tags)
camille deschamps from cypher's' and actual cypher doodle lol
#VALORANT #VALORANTfanart #ValorantArt #cypher
It was supposed to be a basic background study of a cute street and then turned into a meditation sketch about the jumble of chaos that has actually always been with us. Swipe for details.
#jadeschulzart #comics #illustration #animation #digitalart #ThisIsAmerica
Meanwhile, just outside a city on the Deschutes River.
@visitbend #bendoregon #bendoregonlife #bend #oregon #prophet #theendisnear #theend
** #Focus10 Caption Contest ** mit @carlsen_verlag
Einsendeschluss ist der 20.11.!
Ihr könnt sowohl das Bild einfach nur hochladen & eure Caption sowie #focus10captioncontest dazuschreiben oder eure Caption direkt ins Bild schreiben und das ganze dann mit dem Hashtag hochladen!
Even more concepts by Senior Concept Artist Martin Deschambault and designed for #AssassinsCreed Valhalla!
You can find them all in our dedicated album (32 pictures): https://t.co/lwEvDoagUv
ARTBLAST II: Martin Deschambault presents his breathtaking concept explorations for #AssassinsCreed Valhalla, showcasing various areas and events.
The last Poisonous Flower Fairy. I used the scientific name to get a 'z' in my lineup but Zantedeschia Aethiopica is also known as the Calla Lily. All 31 are finished now! I'm looking into how best to put together the little booklet I have in mind... #poisonousflowerfairies
The last Poisonous Flower Fairy. I used the scientific name to get a 'z' in my lineup but Zantedeschia Aethiopica is also known as the Calla Lily. All 31 are finished now! I'm looking into how best to put together the little booklet I have in mind... #poisonousflowerfairies
Nous y avons notamment ajouté une page consacrée à l'exercice des souvenirs et anecdotes de production auquel s’est livré @MaroYonebayashi sur Twitter.
#ArriettyLePetitMondeDesChapardeurs #借りぐらしのアリエッティ #米林宏昌 #StudioGhibli #スタジオジブリ