Lilith is a female figure in Mesopotamian and Judaic mythology,alternatively the 1st wife of Adam and supposedly the primordial she-demon. Lilith is cited as having been "banished" from the Garden of Eden for not complying and obeying Adam

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Catalina de los Ríos y Lísperguer nicknamed La Quintrala because of her flaming red hair,was an aristocratic 17th-century Chilean landowner and murderer of the Colonial Era. She is famous for her beauty and,according to legend,her cruel treatment of her servants.

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Berchta or Perchta is a frosty Alpine goddess - kind to those who are domestically good, terrifying to those who break the rules. A woman must not weave on her festival day (modern Epiphany in Jan). Her spinning should be done, house clean and porridge left. 1/3

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In many versions, Morgan the Fey has good reason to hate King Arthur's existence. Merlin's magic turned Arthur's father, Uther, into Morgan's father in order to sleep with Morgan's mother to produce Arthur. Then, to keep Morgan quiet, Uther made her join a nunnery

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The Bloofer Lady: in Dracula, after becoming a vampire, Lucy is seen wandering around Hampstead Heath, luring children. Her name hints at her two natures: ‘light’ in her human form, but also Lucifer as a vampire, a female figure drawing on Milton’s Paradise Lost.

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Symbols appearing in D.G. Rossetti's 1866 painting Lady Lilith allude to the femme fatale reputation of the Romantic Lilith: poppies (death & cold) & white roses (sterile passion). He wrote a sonnet: Lilith (later renamed Body's Beauty) to appear alongside it.

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In Scotland Nicnevin is said to be a Queen of the Faeries. According to Walter Scott she's thought to be a sort of mother witch or the Scottish Hecate who 'rode on the storm and marshalled the rambling host of wanderers under her grim banner.'

🎨Thomas Maybank

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Irish goddess The Morrígan (phantom/great Queen) incites warriors to battle! Trio of sisters; Badb, Macha & Nemain. Appears as a crow (badb)! When Cú Chulainn died (strapped to standing stone), only when a crow landed on him was his enemy convinced he was dead!

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Many Ulverston locals will avoid the eerie woods at Plumpton, and lurking in the water of the flooded iron mines nearby, lives Jenny Greenteeth, a 'river hag' who pulls children and the elderly into the water to drown them

artist: unknown

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It comes from a European belief that vampires cannot resist the urge to count things.There are stories that say you should carry bag filled with grains of rice with you. In case of a vampire attack, you can spill the seeds on the ground to divert their attention,#FaustianFriday.

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I love the way the Victorians conceived of witch & bat-woman attire —the 19thc had such rich histories surrounding occult hobbyists 🖤🦇#FaustianFriday

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Dressing for the Masquerade by Thomas Rowlandson

Masquerade balls have been a feature of the season since the 15th century. Full of allegorical costumes, pageants and triumphant processions.

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I wonder if shapeshifting counts as dressing up? To this purpose I present the Irish goddess The Morrigan. Her rôle as a symbol of imminent death, and to influence the outcome of war, was achieved by appearing as a crow flying overhead.

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Irish folklore tells of Stingy Jack, who never paid his own tab. One night the Devil offered to pay, in exchange for Jack's soul. Jack agreed, if the Devil would transform himself into a sixpence. Jack then put the coin in his pocket, thus trapping the Devil.

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"Yet men have found so many methods, sadly,
To cheat the Devil of their souls, or try" (Goethe)

And in the end, Faust is indeed forgiven under some divine volte or the the other and poor Mephisto is left with his binding contract unfulfilled for all his pains

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Mistrz Pan Twardowski is a Polish Faustian sorcerer who sells his soul in exchange for dark magic. According to an 1822 ballad, the devil releases the nobleman from the contract after finding a clause requiring the devil to spend a year with Twardowski’s wife.

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💨According to myth a spinning counter clockwise is a shape-shifting demon drawn to suffering & self-destructive souls seeking release from the pain of their lives.

🌬A Dust Devil spinning clockwise is a benevolent spirit casting out the Devil.

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“… and when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you…“

— Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

Illustration: Aleksandra Waliszewska

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The South African impundulu, with its hamerkop appearance, acts as a familiar to a witch, doing her bidding forever

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