A rejected flagellant D&D character—
Despite the grim edgy nature, I had pure comedic shitpost intent behind the character

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"Adversity can foster hope and resilience..."

Here are the Vigorous this week:

Pixel HWM by

Flagellant by

Arbalest by

PD and Leper by

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Come check out my new study on at studio 224 tonight and this weekend! First Friday tonight, Studio 224 open 5-9 PM
Open Studios Sat & Sun May 4-5, 11-5pm

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darkest dungeonのflagellantだよ。マゾすぎて好き

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Here are two diagrams made to accompany our 3d-printable classroom model! These, and others can be downloaded here: https://t.co/GSa4OrKTO6 More soon!

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PAIN PROVES FAITH! FAITH PROVIDES POWER! Pain junkie flagellates rise up in the cultists ranks.

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The Flagellation of Christ (1540).
Art by Croatian artist Giorgio Giulio Clovio (Julije Klović) (1498–1578).

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Y'know, I just wanted to do a short, funny one-shot about Isis refusing to go to therapy with Malik and coming up with lame excuses, but now it's an admission of a woman's childhood neglect, emotional self-flagellation, and abandonment issues.


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Man, this mech sure has taken a while to both draw and color, it's a good thing most of it is getting covered up by foreground characters BUT what am I if not self flagellating?

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Muggivi allora sotto queste rocce profonde
schiantandoti così, sui fianchi flagellati,
così gettava il vento le schiumose tue onde
su quei piedi adorati.
Le Lac di Alphonse de Lamartine

Buon pomeriggio
Paul Cézanne - The Lake of Annecy 1896

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Gift for oneword-flagella on tumblr of their character 7

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day 2 : blood sport (self-flagellation)

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Friend convinced me to draw characters so I thought I could do some Darkest Dungeon Demons™. Starting with the .

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Dinoflagellates for The Free-living Unarmored Dinoflagellata (1921) by C. Kofoid & O. Swezy features made by the authors with the aid of a camera lueida from living material & colored by Anna Hamilton. In via : https://t.co/hl6kbbf3if

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