Carden Meadowsweet is Tupper's eldest brother. At twenty, he's already a husband and father. Bk1 MEADOWSWEET

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GalleriesofStone, Bk2 HARROW is now in print.

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Tupper Meadowsweet is the only Flox boy with the nubs to take Freydolf's hand in Bk1 MEADOWSWEET

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Tupper Meadowsweet finds friendship in the Statuary.

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Meet Rimbles, a sunstone lynx kit. She's one of Freydolf's living statues.

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In Book 3: RAKEFANG, magical master sculptor Freydolf draws up plans for his masterpiece.

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The Grif are a race in the world of They're famed for beaky noses, talons, & the heart of a lion.

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Torio knows all about Tupper's favorite things.

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My author stamp and publishing imprint both feature Olexi.

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Pennyflax & Quince is the bakery in Hayward, hometown of young Tupper Meadowsweet.

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New additions, cross-cultural courting traditions, magical meddling, mixed ancestry, and kidnapping in RAKEFANG. Bk3

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A single misstep could have cost Ulrica all her highborn pride. Instead it lands her at the mercy of Aurelius Harrow.

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After years of searching for someone brave enough, Tupper Meadowsweet finds her at Pennyflax & Quince. trilogy

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She kept him at daggerpoint; he kept her guessing. DEUCE, a prequel, updates Fridays.

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Carden Meadowsweet is Tupper's eldest brother. At twenty, he's already a husband and father. Bk1 MEADOWSWEET

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Tupper Meadowsweet is the only Flox boy with the nubs to take Freydolf's hand in Bk1 MEADOWSWEET

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Meet Rimbles, a sunstone lynx kit. She's one of Freydolf's living statues.

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