Solo puedo agradecer a toda la gente que ha estado apoyándome desde que me lo diagnosticaron y que gracias a vosotr todo este proceso asido menos doloroso, más ameno y humano. Muchas gracias...

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As the Gods Demand

Disturbing art + themes of divinity and religion? These zines are basically stealing money off my pockets. I'm looking forward to see how I can apply this game-agnostic divine system to some of my games.

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"Portrait of a Neuro gnostic skull hell face by Peter Mohrbacher and gustave gore" - made with

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Ds le cadre des Rencontres venez découvrir des ress pour travailler sur cette thématique♀️♂️
Au prog : déf, attentes institutionnelles, constats, diagnostic et des ress pour agir
🗓️Sessions: 1/03 complet
9/03 dernières places !

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One of the problems of diagnostics in medicine is the thoughtless appointment of X-ray studies. X-ray radiation has a number of harmful properties.

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From the top of my mind I'm thinking on:
Jimmy Corrigan The Smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware, a constant masterclass on rhyth and sequentials. Diagnostics by Lucas Varela & Diego Agrimbau, short stories exploring the representation of different mental disorders.

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Happy Birthday to Dr. Elaine Pagels, Historian and Professor of Religion at Princeton University.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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Mr. Groundhog called in sick today and let Sir take over! His prognosticating prognosis…
6 more weeks of winter ☃️

Fan art by me

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if you buy me battle pass or crystals i'll um draw ur fav genshin character OR ur oc !!!!!!!! either gnostic hymn or chorus plz im desperate and i like drawing!! i have as many slots as i have the mental capacity for DM ME !!!!! (PLEASE RT)

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Esse é o Dominic, irmão do Nicholas e um gótico diagnosticado como Claustrofóbico.

Ele tem também uma estranha obsessão com escorpiões ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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El Reconocido actor de Voz "Ryouta Suzuki" dio positivo para Covid-19

Fue diagnosticado el día 26 y ahora se encuentra recuperándose

Suzuki es reconocido por interpretar a "Yu Ishigami"

del Anime "Kaguya sama"

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My brain keeps fixating on the idea of doing a zine of 10 monsters, system agnostic with a general theme then just have my friends make cool monsters. Would anyone be interested?

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Lecture 6 will be about the work that I specialise in: developmental cognitive neuroscience! Recently, there has been a 'transdiagnostic revolution' in this field.

What is a neurodevelopmental disorder? And can we provide support to people who have them? (7/x)

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Experience Your Own (Rebellious) Liberation – Opening up!

Being cooped-up can take you where you really want to be! An inner journey from "who you're supposed to be"

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gamers I need help naming a boy. He's a trans paranormal geek from the 80s who just happens to be a literal actual fairy don't worry about it. Yes all of these picrews have different vibes I'm doing vibes diagnostics. Send help

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I recently painted the Dwarven miner, Adrum Frostbeard, for 's upcoming modular system agnostic setting guide books; The Travellers Guide to Prymordia.

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