고전 스릴러 영화 <서스피션>
포스터 리디자인
Hitchcock movie poster Redesign
감독:알프레드 히치콕
Suspicion (1941)
캐리그랜트 조안폰테인 주연

뛰어난 연출력으로 스릴러 적 분위기를
잘 표현한 히치콕의 고전 영화다. 흑백영화만이 담아낼수 있는 명암효과를 매우 잘 이용했다 생각한다.

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"There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it..."

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On Melanie Griffith’s birthday, read about her performance in BODY DOUBLE.

I wrote about it for --a porn-pop uncanny valley of Hitchcockian anti-reality, heat-warped by sexual obsession into an unhinged flood of Brian D's megatonic, metafilmic id.


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Not a curve as such, but Edward Hitchcock’s 1840 paleontological chart from Elementary Geology conveys something similar: “The comparative abundance or paucity of the different families, is shown by the greater or less space occupied by them upon the chart.”

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Made up a ROUND cockatrice named Hitchcock! Careful not to look into his eyes unless you want to become an orb!

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Como en Hitchcock pero sin suspense. Con final demasiado obvio.

De hace un tiempo en

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Hitchcock's THE 39 STEPS - Released on this day in 1935 - Danish release poster

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(1897-1981) (I)

· Sunset Boulevard (B. Wilder, 1950)
· Eva al desnudo (J. L. Mankiewicz, 1950)
· La ventana indiscreta (A. Hitchcock, 1964)

"The Costume Designer: Edith Head & Hollywood", P. Curtin (ed.):
· https://t.co/rOTOgmHsMq

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Looking at Legends of Horror Cinema - The Master of Suspense - A Horror Fans Guide to Alfred Hitchcock - A look at his films and life. https://t.co/KeyZPzDL9v

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Tippi Hedren was born in Minnesota January 19, 1930. She is known for her roles in the Alfred Hitchcock films, The Birds and Marnie. In 2012, there was movie drama filmed about her interactions with Alfred Hitchcock called The Girl.

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With the film now on , read on BODY DOUBLE: "A smirking, porn-pop uncanny valley of Hitchcockian anti-reality heat-warped by sexual obsession into an unhinged flood of Brian D's megatonic, metafilmic id."



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Hitchcock's STRANGERS ON A TRAIN - Released on this day in 1951 - German release poster

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I don't make movies, I write stories. Almost the same right? 😃
Hope each of you are doing well!!

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Happy Birthday Martin Landau! Born in Brooklyn in 1928, Landau worked on the newspaper strip The Gumps, assisting Gus Edson and drawing the Sunday page, until 1951 when he switched from cartooning to acting--his first movie role was in Hitchcock's North by Northwest.

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Alfred Hitchcock's PSYCHO premiered in NYC on June 16, 1960 🔪. Here's my painting of Vera Miles to celebrate! You can view the rest of my Hitchcock Blondes series or purchase a print in my Etsy shop here ➡️ https://t.co/Oxv7kgu6lT

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'And Did Those Feet...' (1978)  Harold Hitchcock's work falls recognisably into the English romantic tradition of William Blake and Samuel Palmer and in some of his pastorals, Palmer's manner appears almost untouched.

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