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When a geek comes to you who has had a leg amputated, he's crazy about math and has a peculiar humor..... You don't know what these clients motivate me! And more if he is a colleague !! Sometimes I work for friendship.
#illustration #illustrationart #pirate #pirateflag #polserra
Philly Joe Jones
#painting #jazz #paintingportrait #phillyJoeJones #musician #music #polserra
Crec que aquest és un dels meus millors treballs.
Acrílic, sobre tela format 100cm x 80cm.
Es triste pedir,
pero más triste
es no dar.
Micropoema de: @AjoMicropoetisa
#ajomicropoetisa #painting #portrait #polserra
Acrylic in wooden support. 50 x 100 cm
Finished work, color test and initial sketch.
#littlewalter #painting #musician #jazz #paintingportrait #polserra
Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!
#timburton #beetlejuice #caricature #digitalpainting #illustration #tribute #Illustrationart #portrait #polserra
Primeres capes de color , una base mantenint l'esbos i l'altre construint el volum.
First layers of color, one base maintaining the sketch and the other building the volume.
#illustration #caricature #inprocess #BreakingBad #BryanCranston #digitalpainting
#caricature #polserra
Retrato de Florentino para la portada del número de este mes de @HORDAGO_ElSalto, @ElSaltoDiario. Ha sido un placer volver a colaborar con vosotros.
Gracias @SanchoSomalo 💐
#Illustation #portrait #portraitpainting #digitalpainting #artwork #polserra
Charles Dickens
#caricature #portraitpainting #illustration #digitalpainting #charlesdickens #dickens #polserra
Lemmy Kilmister #illustration #caricature #lemmy #digitalpainting #polserra
Si, un altre cop tornarem a veure gent blanca pintada de betum a la cabalgata de reis.
Yes, again we will see white people painted bitumen in the cavalcade of kings.
Merry Christmas.
#illustration #paintingportrait #fakecristmas #vergonya #polserra
Bob Marley!!!!!!! Get up, stand up...
#bobmarley #reggae #getupstandup #portrait #digitalportrait #illustration #caricature #digitalpainting #caricatura #polserra
Tim Burton
#illustration #caricature #portrait #digitalpainting #timburton #polserra
Il·lustracions per el conte d'Edgar Alan Poe, el gat negre. Mixed media.
Illustrations for the story of Edgar Allan Poe, the black cat. Mixed media.
Ilustraciones par el cuento de Edgar Allan Poe, el gato negro. Mixed media.
#illustration #edgaralanpoe #theblackcat #polserra
Origami. Jugant amb les espatules i altres maneres d'aplicar l'acrílic.
Origami. Playing with spatulas and other ways to apply acrylic.
Origami. Jugando con las espátulas y otras formas de aplicar el acrílico.
#painting #origami #illustration #polserra