Feb's print, which is predictably Ikesoren alt content -- still can't believe they came out a year ago (and proceeded to fuel cecil and I to make matching cosplay)

For full size versions of this print and more, consider pledging: https://t.co/mcO3stcbne

121 192

ikesoren 49 - summer's gone

46 106

some ikesoren to feed my acount :·3

3 8

rejected drafts so i recycled them into ikesoren. because i can.

(idv naib hello alice and count jack costume)

57 173

A glance.

A little thought on my favorite traveling couples

64 139

I want an AU where Daein General Ike courts the reclusive Prince Soren

2 10

personal favorite ikesorens ive done this year

14 44

Work is stressful! IkeSoren rats to relax!! ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ💙 ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ❤

7 9

more ikesoren content from the mines

238 434

ikesoren 39

I "You know, you're the best christmas present I ever re-- Huh, your face is red, are you sick?!"
S "That's not it, you idi---*sigh* I'm fine."

54 124

Ikesoren doodle...
They sleep 😴

247 553

幼少期 (if)
ikesoren 35

92 216

I watched too many horror films and then I cant sleep. So a penguin did what its gotta do to distract itself... draw some cute things.

Ikesoren 31 32

67 171

"Soren sleeping between Ike's buff arms 👀"
thank you for donation!

ikesoren 27

256 603

☔️Don't catch a cold! 💖I have a new charm up for preorder in my shop, from now to November 4th at https://t.co/L5BpUusq1Z!! (amongst other new things! ^ o ^)

17 47

WIP!! 💖☃️ snowy ikesorens for the last new charm

2 21

"Taking a bath! ! Please🙇‍♂️"#odaibako

ikesoren 23

120 329

big bang

ikesoren (21)

86 247