Also don't worry he was alive and well (although I actually didn't make it out LMAOOOO)

3 25


4 21

セバジョセ( joseb)本とヴェノカズ(vkaz)本をBOOTHで通販受付です。あんしんBOOTHパックにて発送させて頂きます。ご興味ある方はどうぞよろしくお願いいたします!🥰取扱い在庫一覧はリプ欄で。
※for International shipping is also available!

13 35

"Show me 'round mate- tah world is our oyster."

Context: Jose and Victor went to the town square at night and decided to dance to their hearts content.

I hope I contributed to the Jose x Victor Ship ♡

8 66

📚 «Joana Maiz», Yurre Ugarte eta Joseba Larratxe () egileen presentziarekin.
📌|k gidatuko du solasaldia
📆 Urtarrilak 14, ASTEARTEA ⌚ 19:00
🏠Intxaurrondo K. E.

12 13

First drawing of my ship from Identity V.
I hope you'll like it.

15 50

i’m working on it since a week fucking finally

20 97

Blogean, "Joana Maiz" komikiaren egileei Kike Infame adituak egindako elkarrizketa

Yurre Ugarte eta Joseba Larratxe: "Komikiaren medioak eskaintzen dituen aukera ezberdinez baliatu eta gozatu dugu, askatasunez"

7 7

Someone put me in this ship and now i’m hungry because of the lack of content :’0

26 116


18 57

Artikulu berria blogean:

Joana Maiz, erresistentziari oda zoragarria

Yurre Ugarteren gidoia eta Joseba Larratxeren irudiak ditu Harriet etxeak argitaratutako harribitxi honek

8 9

Little TEW sticker I wanted to do... I miss Joseb and Juli😔

12 24