...so why hasn't anyone done these two mf? my boys Joker and Mike need this 👌😔


245 1111

it's still trans day of visibility in some places right ?
anyway i made a dress up doll for myself of mike!!! more outfits to come im sure

0 3

Ah! there bangs were antennae the whole time 😱 just joking 😄
Something I Doodled since I notice there kind of the only characters I give those wired bangs to 🤷 idk why never drew bangs like them before

5 18

Hello Idv community XD

DREW MY TWO MAINS!! Rn I am absolutely obsessed with the gameplay n’ a bit of the lore as well!! I think if these two were to interact id have a feeling it maybe go somewhere like that 😂

2 13

more brush doodles ‼️
aesop so fine he blow my mind

1 10


37 148

Today's little sunshine,
But hey, i'm bit tired of drawing chibi 🥹🥹🥹

1 1

🤹😢 (🦊🐰)

I know y'all desperately wanted for them to kiss, so I will be your saviour

13 89

custom skin !
i like how it turned out in the end 🥹

8 48

Been seeing a bunch of idv animal art so wanted to draw some cute art my self and well Instagram animal reals have not helped the situation 😁

8 33