ODB Portrait

ConfuseArt / Member of , the global art collective of

painted with clip studio

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Censored OC commission! See NSFW ON 🍒

Want your own? 🌟

🔴Commissions Open

🔴Youtube: https://t.co/s6GSLT8G5G

🔴Website: https://t.co/RAkVOELhEr

2 2

거기 당신!!!
아직도 매주 월화 여섯시에 인싸투어가 한다는 걸 모르신다구요?
그것 참 안됐군뇨!!!
오늘부터 시즌앱에서 무료로 관람하세요💙

42 44


형아들이랑 드디어 여행갔다왔다뀨 🥰
우리 막내왕댜님 본방사수할게요🐰🐰

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이제 월화 저녁6시마다 볼 수 있는

시즌앱가서 무료로 볼 수 있으니깐 씐나씐나

녘몽밍보러 가즈아~~~!!

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Aunque sea una par de días tarde, tenía que dibujar si o si a este pj que marcó mi infancia 😋

de que cumplió añitos el 1/3


PD: Adiós al bloquedo de estos dos meses😃 Hypers!!

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Rudolf DISCHINGER - 'Foliage Plant by the Window' 1929, pencil & watercolour

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Hellow I'm miloni, an art student. I mostly draw BTS fanarts💫
these are few of my works hopeyoulikeituwu

Here's my IG: https://t.co/HcX1alx6pp

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as long and they are natural and by natural I mean full of fat fit butt cheecks are kinda hard to get them this big and a plastic butt always look to stiff and outta place

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WHAT THIS??? JEREMY DID AN ART TRADE? unacceptable this must be against the law, how dare did an art trade with me, unbelievieable.
this actually took so long to finishes omg

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"Oni-Chan: Running in the XIX"😋

He aquí lo que a una se le pasaba por la cabeza al ver streams de con 👹#KazanYamaoka , y se juntaba el poder de este con algo de eurobeat 🎛️

IHopeULikeIt!😊& TY4♥️&🔃


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Hi guys!
How are you?
Have you see my drawings in my profile?
Let me know if you like them!😘✌

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