Puede que MediEvil 2 no sea mi juego favorito de la saga, pero una de las cosas que mas me han gustado fue precisamente la armadura dorada que la verdad es que le queda genial (Si, esto lo he editado del dibujo anterior xD)

5 12

Shameless plug! It's nice that I've gained some more followers due to the upcoming MediEvil remake & the MediEvil comic.
But I'm not sure how many of you know that I also created an eco-sci-fi-horror comic called 'Surface Tension' published by Titan Comics.

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Un dibujo muy lindo de que Leo Roma me hizo♥️✨

Te quedó genial!! Y realmente me encanta 💗✨


9 36

That jawless arrow magnet.

15 44

Sup, I made this, and I love it. If it wasn't already obvious, I really like skeletons and skulls. I still need to draw Sir Daniel Fortesque before the HD release of MediEvil

1 7

Alright so my quick thoughts about demo.

It's good fun! Combat is improved, visuals are great, frame rate stable.

My only MAJOR issue is the camera. It's a bit spazzy and inconsistent.

More thoughts to come!

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Brutal! Ahora me han entrado ganas de desempolvar esta joyita y releerla! (Y así de paso dejo caer que me encantaría un remake de MediEvil 2)

3 11

Sir Daniel enjoying a scary night out in a graveyard.

3 26

If you didn’t You don’t
like me at my: deserve me
at my:

3 24

What's that?




23 88

The one and only Sir Daniel Fortesque for the Upcoming MediEvil!!!

5 30

‘MediEvil: Fate’s Arrow.’
(Chris Sorrell) and I are delighted to announce that our prequel/sequel story to the original MediEvil will be released as a hardback book by with this Halloween! Here’s a peak at the art.

212 537

Hey , , we all should get together sometime and talk about remakes, remasters, new games, and all that good stuff. Ooooo, ooooo we should make a team name! How about "The Revival Squad" - Bubsy

5 9

Hola! por si no habeis oído nada acerca de esto, MediEvil ha sufrido un importante upgrade. Seria genial que publicaseis noticias al respecto, ya que seria genial para el lanzamiento del juego. Un saludo!

33 73

Ah, por cierto. Parece ser que MediEvil remake ha tenido un upgrade de tres pares de cojones ¿Los que decian que no se estaban currando el remake y hablaban de "downgrade" se retractaran? (foto de )

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Here are two complete illustrations of Spyro the Dragon and Sir Daniel Fortesque from Medievil for the 25th anniversary PlayStation Illustration. That's it for PS One characters, now onto PS2 characters.

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Sculpt of Sir Daniel Fortesque from medievil based on a doodle I did. Always blows me away when folks do this, so cool 👌. (sculpt artist ig: lucasamaral3d)

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Hi !
How is my friend Dan doing?

12 60

Anyone else hype for at the end of the year? I was always fascinated by Kul Katura as a kid for some reason even though he was phenomenally useless for me half the time. Gonna try my hand at the stained glass demon before the game re-releases!

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