I think the fox would represent me in that sense I'm trying my best even if I'm a bit of a coward? I'm trying my best even if I don't have shining colors like the red fox :) https://t.co/iTYHq2VrB8

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Gay owl gay owl gay owl
I am obsessed with birds and am gay there is no other explanation (I also have an owl/cat sona so. Gay owl) https://t.co/tp1pX4c0Lx

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OH MY GODD.......... this pin is literally SO cute and i love it so much. after accepting myself as pan ive managed to become a lot more open with friends and Also !! i call my boyfriend bunny 🥺🙏 so this really just made my heart melt and it made me Sooooo happy https://t.co/RiUUUJK5KQ

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HI UHM. rat lesbian bcz i am LITERALLY a rat lesbian!! my fursona is a rat and is lesbian!!!!! i would be so frickin happy if i could get a pin that represents me so well ;0; https://t.co/iAyuWO2ohe

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I'd really really want a lesbian red panda pin
I feel like having a small animal like that represents me well, since I'm barely 5ft tall
small lesbians unite ! https://t.co/KaE9mxccEJ

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I feel I have always identify as lesbian. Since my very first relationship was with a female, it actually changed how I feel. In all honestly, I did try to get with males but I never felt right for me. So, that's how I came to identify as Lesbian. https://t.co/Z6Kh4CAE4n

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Idc about winning but im doecow, no gender and i kiss boy!!

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represents me because figuring out i was ace helped me open up more in this community as a whole. plus, my main sona is a caribou (deer), and also asexual just like me and this pin is such a perfect representation of how i feel; proud and happy with who i am now! https://t.co/Cg1yp74Rz8

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I chose the nonbinary velociraptor! Besides cats (which I would've chosen if it wasn't an orange tabby) velociraptors are the animal I identify with the most. I especially like this raptor because they're a combo of feathers and scales! Ofc enby flag cause I'm enby! https://t.co/546wZVwgqb

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I’d absolutely love a non-binary or trans lion- it’s so cool seeing in nature when lionesses grow manes, as i can relate to that as a transmasc-leaning NB person- and the phenomenon was a lot of the inspiration for my fursona! https://t.co/qXwaUg459b

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Snow leopards are my favorite animal and I've had crushes on girls and guys! https://t.co/LxFB2yn3LL

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Made Hover this time around! My style is ever changing and inconsistent lol.

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Love this series so decided to draw some fan art for Hope you enjoy :D

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2) they identify themselves as a cryptid, no they will not explain

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1) jade u really need to work on ur conversation skills

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