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I am an artist working on my comic book the Pirate and doing just to see how long it actually works.
In my free time I let other people decide what I draw (#DenkanstossDonnerstag).


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I am an artist working on my comic book the Pirate and doing just to see how long it actually works.
I let other people decide what I draw every Thursday (#DenkanstossDonnerstag) and try to bring people back from the dead.

I also love ducks.

2 12

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I am an artist working on my comic book the Pirate and doing just to see how long it actually works.
In my free time I let other people decide what I draw (#DenkanstossDonnerstagand).

0 3

Durch alte Bilder geforstet und das hier farblich freigeschaufelt.
Erinnert ihr euch noch an diese Zeit, wo ein Unwetter unser großes Problem war?
Lange her

0 10

Es kam heute in einem Gespräch auf, also habe ich mal wieder den kompetentesten Leserbriefbeantworter der Welt gezeichnet.

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