Cara Bianca che la tua giornata sua ricca di meravigliosi momenti...ti abbraccio stretta stretta amica mia 🩵🩵😘😘🩵🩵🪷🪷💐🌼

1 7

Venom by Riccardo Federicci

1 19

the faces of andy gayass friccafracc

3 195

And here some commissions, sketches and illustrations i did for fun this year!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!!!

108 928

Cara Bianca ti auguro una bellissima Vigilia ricca di momenti gioiosi ...un abbraccio di cuore amica mia 🌺😘🌺😘🌺💞💞💞🎅🎄
Lieto pomeriggio mia dolce Rebeka...che i tuoi sogni si realizzino ...un tenero abbraccio amica mia..💖💖🎀🎀😘😘
Un caro saluto a tutti 🎼🎵🥰

3 3

49. Hiroshi Tanahashi
50. Ian Riccaboni
51. Diamante
52. Shun Skywalker

3 13

Riccardo Federici's comics

42 391

His Mom Told Him That If He Was going To Deliver The Gifts,She Was Going To Give Him What He Asked For The Most.

He Was Going So Fast That It Didn't Even Let Me Paint He 😡


4 4

Giovanni Ricca (21.12.1603 - 1656) was an Italian painter-91

6 7

How best can you use to diagnose early What's the optimum technique? New paper in provides answers.

4 10

I still love the Jewish boy no matter how much time has passed

52 287