Would you rather hear the words or have someone show you "I love you."

1 14

Can't help myself. Let's contrast the responsible Laird as portrayed in the book with the drunken edjit depicted in the show.

1 9

Do you think Jamie did right in the way he dealt with Rob McNab?

1 11

Shall we pause to contemplate Jamie, dressed up as Laird on Quarter Day?

0 11

Who do you think might've won that battle of wills between Mrs. Fitz and Colum?

0 8

What did you think about Jenny's description of pregnancy?

1 11

Which would you prefer.... taking the whipping or 5 days cleaning the Broch?

0 7

How much did you admire Grannie McNab's timing in asking her Laird for her favor?

0 7

Let's discuss the difference between Brian's discipline of Jamie & McNab's "discipline" of Rabbie.

1 8

Just for fun....Do you remember your first kiss? Care to share?

0 3

Were you surprised (the first time you read it) at Jamie's confession about his reasons for marrying Claire.

2 20

How did you like Jenny's method for forcing Jamie to pay attention to what she had to say?

0 8

How did you like Jamie's homecoming?

1 11

What do you think an 18th century person would find hardest to believe about life in the 21st century?

0 10

What would you miss most from "civilization?"

2 31

How do you think Jamie would've adapted to life in the modern world?

0 9

Do you think Jamie would've traveled to the future with Claire if he could've passed thru the stones?

0 8

Think you would've been able to believe Claire's story of time travel?

0 8

Were you surprised at how Geilie sacrificed herself to save Claire?

0 5

If Jet would burn a Witch's skin, why wouldn't the judges just carry a Jet Rosary as a simple means of determining guilt?

2 15